Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Tuesday, May 09, 2023

Silly Site o' the Day

Zed very likely has kidney disease. He definitely has very bad arthritic back legs, but we need to take care of one thing at a time, like getting him eating first. The vet was very good, she explained to us as much as she possibly could, we've got him on meds, and now it's just a waiting game. He keeps trying to jump and missing, then the back legs go out again, then we have to massage them and calm him down. We've had a good 6-1/2 years with him so we're grateful for that, but if we can get him out of pain we wouldn't mind just a little more time. I just want to see him back to eating and going in the litter box again. Speaking of which, we won't be using Rolo Wipe on him.