Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Silly Site o' the Day

Despite still feeling bleh, Robin and I both forced ourselves to do necessary things today. He took care of the laundry (remember, that's a walk down then back up 26 stairs like four times, mostly carrying stuff) while I went to physical therapy to get my wrist and thumb area evaluated. The PT says the area is improving and I can start to wean myself off the splint, which of course is the end goal, I just need to be careful about what movements trigger the pain. And of course lots of heating and icing if I'm going on a long drive (heat beforehand, ice afterwards). I took another couple hours off work as it was another light day and intend to spend much of this evening folding clothes. But at least I know it's Wednesday (via BoingBoing).