Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Thursday, August 04, 2022

Silly Site o' the Day

This morning brought the full effects of my being out and about two days in a row during the summer pandemic. No, fortunately not COVID, I self-tested negative. But my right foot seemed to bear the brunt of all that walking, and I had to use the cane to get around the house today. The pain seems centered on my big toe, but that's just where it's expressing itself, I have no idea whence it emanates. So all I can do is mitigation strategies and get used to the pain until I someday notice its absence, like so many other minor maladies these days. As long as I can get to my new endocrinologist's office on Monday I'll be okay, I just have to scale back a bit and not try to do two things at once. At least I have Randy Rainbow to cheer me up: