Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Friday, June 10, 2022

Silly Site o' the Day

Logged off from work for the foreseeable future, I went on the NYS jury website to ascertain whether I need to show up on Monday and, alas, yes I do. After studying various permutations I've decided to do the same route I've always done, two local buses for around 75 minutes total, and just allow plenty of time. But first, a visit to Mom tomorrow and relaxation the rest of the weekend. I miss going on the bike, but I don't want to chance reinjuring my back. I actually miss going on the bike, but I'm sure walking up and down 161st Street on Monday will afford me plenty of exercise. I plan to be masked most of the time but still look forward to meeting (at a safe distance) my fellow New Yorkers with ties from all over the world and hearing their favorite phrases in all sorts of foreign languages.


PJ said...

Or, if you wanted to make it easier on yourself, you might want to take the Hudson Link bus to Riverdale Metro North station and then take the train down to Yankee Stadium 153st St.



The only issue I see is one of the buses arrive a minute after the train (so you might want to take the bus before that). It’s a little walk from the Metro North station to the courthouse (about 10 minutes or so) but it’s a way way nicer ride than being on a public bus and worth the extra cost.