Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, May 08, 2022

Silly Site o' the Day

An absolutely perfect day in Manhattan! Big yellow ball in sky actually showed for awhile. I traipsed down to meet with The Firesign Theatre's Phil Proctor, because these days I cherish every meeting with old friends not knowing what's coming in our future. Phil was delightful as always, and we chatted and lunched for a couple well-spent hours. I really cherish his company. And it got me out of the house, where I tried to remain safe as much as I could (forgot to mask up after lunch when we strolled the 20 feet back to the hotel lobby), particularly on NYC streets. Got my MetroCard refilled for our medical (and my office) visits next month, purchased other needed and not-really-needed goods (the latter was three pairs of earrings for $5 at the street fair across from Bryant Park, where I waited for the homebound bus), and just really enjoyed the energy of the city. So many people today! So glad I was masked. Still, the smell of now-legal pot seemed pervasive, and the cops not so much, which was also nice. After all, remember the changed words of McGruff the Crime Dog.