Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Silly Site o' the Day

I'm afraid that as long as I live April 12 will always stick in my mind as the birth anniversary of the late David Cassidy. That's just how I grew up. He would have been 72, I believe. Another comic icon passed today, and I'm realizing he was just a few years older than me. Thank goodness I have the ability to surround myself, at least virtually, with coworkers at least one or two generations younger. And none of them pretend to be Boomers! I had a wonderful day at work doing what they call "knowledge sharing" and what I call "teaching some stuff and BS-ing about other stuff." I'm pretty good at the first bit; if I hadn't been an admin assistant I probably would have settled on being a teacher.


PJ said...

Funny you should say that... I saw that Gilbert Gottfreid had passed at 67 and it hit me too. I even started writing about it because that’s just too close. Maybe it only encourages me to be a little more evil because only the good die young.