Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Thursday, January 07, 2021

Silly Site o' the Day

Still trying to recover from the aftermath of yesterday, plus my credit card has been temporarily suspended after an attempted unauthorized use (which the bank caught and alerted me, hence the suspension), so I'm without a card for possibly 5-6 business days. At least we finally got mail for the first time in three days, including a check for which I'd been waiting, so we went down to the bank to deposit it and, as long as I was there, I took a short walk to the subway elevator to procure a new MetroCard (my current one expires this month) and put some money on it. Possibly not the safest thing but I didn't linger overmuch and now it's all done and I'm back home for the duration, only going out for medical stuff (the next visit on the 21st via - you guessed it - local public transit), grocery shopping, and round-the-block walks. Things are just way too scary out there. I need something zen, like these photos of things that fit perfectly.