Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Silly Site o' the Day

Well, as it turned out, the production folks and a fellow exec admin had the deadline stuff well in hand, for which I was grateful as I'd never used the new system previously and I didn't want a deadline day to be my trial by fire. So I stayed about 3 hours or so taking care of things I hadn't gotten done yesterday, and grabbed the 1 PM express bus home to collapse for the rest of the day. Not sure how things are going to go tomorrow, as I have to fit shopping and ironing and finances into one day which doesn't leave me time to decompress for Monday. On the other hand, I was able to get my usual Saturday morning stuff done before I even left this morning, and my pills for the week were laid out last night and are now at the office, so I got a jump on a few things. That's my watchword these days, anticipation. Also halo eyebrows, because if I have to look at them, you have to look at them.