Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Silly Site o' the Day

Been a weird week so far. Skippy of the "skippy the bush kangaroo" blog has passed away, and Melissa McEwen has ended her brilliant tenure as proprietor of Shakespeare's Sister, and both those events make me incredibly sad on the eve (only a few weeks now) of my 17th blogiversary (yes, skippy coined that phrase). It appears Facebook has more than completely supplanted blogs, but it's also good for publicly shaming folks like the magpies on the bus I've decided I'm no longer riding. Taking a slightly later bus means a much quieter ride and a more rested Elayne upon arrival at work. At least that's the theory. Speaking of bus magpies, here are some more mildly infuriating things. Oh, and PS, my left eye is doing "remarkably well" per my doctor!