Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Monday, June 03, 2019

Silly Site o' the Day

Back to work, where I spent much of the day scheduling people for headshots, as the last person (what was she, my third successor?) really screwed the pooch before her way-too-early departure. Fortunately an extra day had been added, and by the end of the day the waitlist (which any thinking person would have cut off at around 20-25, with only 60-65 available slots per photo day) dwindled from 120 to around 50, and I;m pretty sure I can now schedule everyone by the end of the summer. Of course, I back-burnered my current job taking care of former-job stuff, but I think I'll be caught up by tomorrow. In the meantime, please enjoy How to Speak New York.