Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Silly Site o' the Day

So far it's been a good weekend for leftovers. Last night I finished reading Good Omens in prep for the series (I've had the book for at least a decade and never cracked the cover, I'm ashamed to say). And today I made a stir-fry with all the brown rice containers built up in the fridge (tofu, two kinds of mushrooms, the usual aromatics of garlic/ginger/scallions/onions), read my way through all the Free Comic Book Day comics Midtown saved for me, and got the DVR down to 52% which is quite the accomplishment considering yesterday was a marathon baseball watching day. This is exactly the sort of thing relaxing long weekends are for when you get to my age. Oh, and did I mention sleeping as well? Lots of naps. This is also one of the few times I'm glad I was never able to have kids, not only because they'd be exhausting but because I'd probably have to get on this silly pacifier trend and I, I just couldn't.