Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Silly Site o' the Day

Alas, Zed woke us around 2 AM by knocking over various things from my nightstand in an effort to get our attention. He got it so much that we're locking him out of the bedroom tonight. He's lucky he's not up for adoption:

Via Laughing Squid. This was not the best day to come into work overtired, as it was photo shoot day plus expense reports were due and I was just really strung out much of the time. But it's all done, and a weight off my shoulders as well as a reminder that I really don't work well under pressure (although I'm getting better at not showing it). Looking forward to tomorrow when the day will seem like a comparative breeze, and the house will finally warm up with the outside temps.