Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Monday, December 17, 2018

Silly Site o' the Day

The first day of the last work week of the year, and already people are in vacation mode. So far only one of my partners has given me Christmas gelt, but two partners I don't even support have rewarded me as well so that's cool. And we rarely have any gifts to buy, my family being Jewish and Robin's being in England. But that doesn't mean we've stopped Amazon shopping. Fortunately with Robin home (and our house being set off from the main street and 12 steps up to the outside entrance) our packages are usually retrieved somewhat easily, but I have to wonder what will happen when we finally find our retirement home, as I'm determined to find one that doesn't feature any steps. Here's what a NASA engineer type did to deter thieves from stealing his stuff:

Via all over, really, I'm like the last person to post this.