Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Monday, November 12, 2018

Silly Site o' the Day

While in the midst of clean-up mode, Robin ran into our landlord, inquired as to the heat situation (should be fixed now, and on during the afternoon again), and mentioned our minor leak. Which of course turned into a big production as our pipes are so old, so the landlord and his assistant have just put in all new pipes and a new faucet which doesn't quite reach over the sink as far as the old one did, but no more leak and the new stopper works amazingly. Glad that's out of the way! In honor of the late great Stan Lee, who has nothing at all to do with this site, may I present Stan VHS (via Laughing Squid), all about what modern movies would look like in the days of VHS.