Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Saturday, September 01, 2018

Silly Site o' the Day

White Rabbits, and welcome to September and the start of my favorite time of the year! Robin and I celebrated by going to the mall where he needed to pick up some bits and bobs at Home Depot to fix my recliner, which suddenly went PING last night. Turns out the triangular thingamabob (technical term) that attached the spring to the chair had broken apart, and another one was about to go. He didn't find any steel triangulars at HD but he got stuff he could use anyway, and now I don't have to worry about my chair suddenly breaking apart. Whilst we were there we of course had lunch, and I got my autumnal shearing (I mean, this coming week is still going to be warm). Tomorrow we do our little bit of food shopping, but mostly we just want to relax. So here, have some cool zoetropes (via Laughing Squid).