Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Silly Site o' the Day

The day started out well, I made my podiatrist appointment and got my toenails seen to, along with some fun pseudo-science discussion about parabolas and such. Erm, you had to be there. With my toe feeling tons better I ventured a few blocks down to a way-too-crowded auto shop for my annual inspection, which was not to be as I really didn't feel like sitting around there for four hours. Will cross my fingers and try again next Saturday. By the time I got home (and mind you, this was all in the space of half an hour) I was so drained from the relentless humidity that Robin and I opted to shop tomorrow. So I spent the day sleeping, reading, watching baseball and, did I mention sleeping? The day didn't quite go as designed but apparently that happens a lot.