Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Silly Site o' the Day

Yep, summer is well and truly here. We did our shopping early before the temps rose to 90 degrees, and we're not going out for the rest of the weekend. The eye is still feeling weak but it didn't affect my driving too much and I'm inside now which makes it better. I sauteed the last of the mushroom trio today with some onions, so we'll see how I sleep tonight. And of course there's the World Cup to cheer me when the New York baseball teams both lose. Tonight's movie is The Last Jedi, or as I'm calling it The At-Last Jedi as it's been so long since it came out all spoilers have long been spoiled for me. Wish I had people bad-splaining movies to me like this so at least I wouldn't mind them being spoilt.