Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Friday, June 15, 2018

Silly Site o' the Day

I used up most every available minute of my workday getting my folks' timesheets done and particularly putting through all their expenses on our old system, as the new one kicks in on Monday. And now I'm free for the weekend. Plans include finishing my ironing if possible, now that there's plenty of closet space due to my donation purge, and playing Pokémon GO during a special event tomorrow to get a Pokémon I hadn't previously been able to secure. If I finish the ironing (and between the World Cup and Yankees' Old Timers Day on Sunday I ought to be able to) then I can start sorting my earrings again and maybe pay a couple of bills. What an exciting life I lead! At least I don't have crows bothering me like poor Simon's cat:

On the other hand, the birds around here do get plenty loud.