Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Silly Site o' the Day

We had a pleasant enough Christmas, but I didn't spend as much time with Robin as I'd have wanted because the living room temperature, particularly in the early afternoon, was so warm. Not necessarily a complaint, overall I'd rather be warm than cold this time of year, but it was pretty stifling. All the centers in the Lindt truffles pretty much melted. Still, our dinner was yummy (would have been better if I'd turned the oven off instead of flipping it the other way to broil for 20 minutes, ensuring a burnt pan-bottom and extra crispy root vegetables) and we're looking forward to the Dr. Who Christmas special, almost as much as Alisa Stern seems to be, as there's a new Dr. Puppet out!

Via io9. And to all a good night!