Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Silly Site o' the Day

Ahhh, blessed relief! The toe is understandably sore but the obstruction has been snipped away and I'm on the road to recovery - a road which I can now walk pain-free. Of course, my foot cramped twice while we were out and about doing necessary errands locally then in Yonkers, but it was so worth it to be able to stroll around the yuppie paradise faux village that is Ridge Hill! Although every store we went in (okay, except the Apple store and maybe Clarke's shoes) seems to have succumbed to the Great Pumpkin Spice Conspiracy (in which I myself am, full disclosure, a willing and sometimes eager participant). Ooh, scary! Speaking of which, here's a period table of phobias, fears and unspeakable horrors by the fellow behind Laugh Out Loud Cats (via BoingBoing)...that's right, Hallowe'en is just around the corner! Speaking of which, happy birthday to my youngest brother Jay!!