Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Silly Site o' the Day

Robin's just finished listening to an 8-hour session A/B Road today, whilst I attempted to spend the day productively online (is that an oxymoron?), trying to split my time in this room between "finishing the internet" (i.e., catching up on blog reading) and in the bedroom getting through another DC comp box (alas, I'm only up to "G") prior to delving into this year's Glyph Awards submissions, which I have to finish reading and judging by mid-February. Looks like I may be going into semi-blog-hibernation again as my priorities keep shifting. Let's face it - I don't have complete online access during weekdays, I don't yet use a smart-phone to check blogs and email and Facebook during my commute, and I'm usually doing other stuff on weekends; something has to give! So while I don't have the blogaround I was hoping to do earlier in the day, I'm finally caught up with my blog-reading and can at least give you your daily Silly Site dose. Via Scoobie Davis, it's the Jack Chick parody The Trance Cracker; enjoy. It does seem though, at least as long as this exhausting winter drags on, I think lengthy blogging will be taking something of a back seat for me in favor of other considerations.