Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Silly Site o' the Day

The good thing about the weather getting cooler, and the heat not coming on in the apartment yet, is that I get dressed pretty quickly as soon as I get up now. I'm looking forward to that few days in southern California to get warmed up again! Remember folks, our Free Day in El-Lay is the 25th and we'd love to see y'all, so drop us a line ASAP so we can make plans! And speaking of "oh wow, man," via Generator Land it's the Hippie Name Generator! My hippie name is... well, it's Elayne Riggs, I've always been kind of a hippie. But the generator says it's Windsun Eveningripple, which sounds more like a Pini elf name to me...