Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Silly Site o' the Day

Not that much time to do more than work, commute and sleep, I'm afraid. Have to be up at, as Robin says, "the crack of sparrow-fart" tomorrow to make it on time to the bus heading out to the first company fun-function I'm attending in my new job. Should be a fun day. I'm really, really tempted to take the laptop in the hopes that the park might have wifi, but instead I'm taking the seventh Harry Potter book, which is finally out in British children's paperback edition (the edition which I have for the rest of the set) and for which I've just been awaiting a really good road-trip excuse to start reading. Don't spoil it for me! :) As the Olympics are drawing to a close, let me slip in the Chinese Name Generator (via Generator Land) while it's still timely. Apparently mine is "Chang Nuo," which means graceful. Robin will be the first to protest that there must be some mistake.