Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Silly Site o' the Day

Definitely getting more comfy at the job as I learn the systems and procure access to the various computer programs I'll need (tomorrow I should be set up with the last of those), but dang, I don't think I quite have the hang of the commute yet. Loath as I am to spend the extra bucks, I was really knocked out by the rush-hour subway ride home after picking up my comics today. I loved going comics shopping again (and by the way my new ComicMix column is out) but, between the too-crowded "1" train (even though I lucked out and grabbed a seat abandoned by an impatient passenger during the train's long wait in the Times Square station) and the too-crowded B7 bus, it's just not worth the aggro when I can get the express bus home without walking more than a few steps from my office building. So on the nights when I go straight home rather than hanging out in Manhattsn, it's going to be subway down and express bus home. I need my energy to do my daily bike exercise, which isn't possible when I'm this sapped. Even so, it's still a more responsible carbon footprint than driving, particularly when I can't even seem to play Game Parken correctly (via Mike at Left is Right).