Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Mom's Day 2008

Well, despite my best efforts I won't be doing that bloground I'd hoped to get to today. (Although I can still point out you have a couple hours left to nominate for this year's Lulu Awards.) But hey, at least I made a roux and a bechamel sauce for the first time in my life (way too much milk, though; I'm halving it the next time) so that's something. And I've finally uploaded the photos from this past weekend. I couldn't snap any of my cousin-once-removed Jacob's bar mitzvah, of course, as synagogues don't allow photo-taking on Shabbos, so I wanted to mention that portions of his bar mitzvah gifts will be helping support summer camp opportunities for kids from the Sderot area of Israel, as well as to Pet Rescue in Larchmont.

But Sunday at Mom's, well, that's different. The main goal I'd set for myself was to get Mom all fixed up with Chuzzle so she didn't have to play it online. This was more of a challenge than we'd anticipated, even allowing for her slow dial-up connection. After the seemingly interminable download, we discovered her PC didn't have the ActiveX control needed, and searching for that pretty much froze the poor machine.

Fortunately we'd brought our laptop, and Mom had a USB thumb drive, so we could download the app from our Mac and put it right onto her ol' reliable -- voila!

Here's me and my mom. Naturally I look schlumpiest when sitting on a couch. Ah well. Any family resemblance?

Mom reads my copy of Hereville. She pronounced it "quirky," which I'm pretty sure is a compliment.

Best of all, I made the 100-mile journey there and back with no adverse effects!