Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

The 'Net Doth Make Fools of Us All

I decided to put this in a separate post rather than embellishing on my earlier one. Here's what I've found of April Foolery:

Heidi linked to today's Gmail goof.

• Ragnell sees the light and has converted to the cult of Frank Miller.

• Hey, good to see my buddies at ComicMix are publishing Superman comics!

• David Malki's gone hand-drawn, Ape Lad's gone blank, and Rich has wrapped up The Ten Doctors rather hastily.

• Sheila rounds up some April Fool's sites, and Mad Kane presents her first Humor Carnival.

• Rachel at Girl Wonder implores us to save the veggies.

• VastLeft recommends the ThinkGeek product ZapCam.

That's pretty much it, except for all the liberal bloggers suddenly deciding to vote for John McCain. Everyone knows that's not going to happen until their particular Democratic candidate doesn't get the nomination.