Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Silly Site o' the Day

My head is reeling! I'd felt bad about slacking off on the job search yesterday, so I did about an hour's worth in the afternoon, and devoted much of today to the online job boards as well. And my efforts bore fruit -- I now have interviews set up for Thursday, Friday and Monday! If the rain isn't too bad I think I'll go shopping for another interview suit tomorrow. Of course, this means I've slacked off on my blogaround, which I still hope to do either this evening or tomorrow, but as y'all know I don't consider blogging as much of a priority as finding a new job! The prospect of so much potential good news has me all fluttery and prancey -- speaking of which, via Gerard here's a My Little Pony generator (and test breeder) that you just know you can't do without.