Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Silly Site o' the Day

Well, the rash on my legs is apparently just eczema, which I was told tends to crop up in colder weather, but the dermatologist said that my weight could also be a contributing factor. I wonder what he tells his skinny patients with eczema. Anyway, instead of just taking my ointment prescription home, getting in the car and going to a pharmacy in a mall somewhere, Robin and I wasted far too much time in Kingsbridge waiting for the local Walgreens to fill it, which took two additional hours. Half the day wasted, and alas but the stuff doesn't even stop the itching. Despite Robin's best efforts, Datsa kept meowing to interrupt the rest I was trying to get this afternoon, so goodness knows when the sleep cycle will ever regulate. Probably once I'm at the computer for more than a few hours straight during the days and Robin's working on his pages in the studio, which I figure will start again tomorrow. In the meantime, the LOLinator (via August) asks, I can haz websiet? Oh yes, and my ComicMix column is out with, as usual, no comments. Please go there and leave one. Maybe I should go back to pontificating on world issues instead of trying to make it relevant to the site's subject matter...