Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Monday, November 19, 2007

Silly Site o' the Day

Severance agreement signed at last, and I have my check for owed vacation pay as well. Also gassed up the car, picked up my dry cleaning, applied online for unemployment insurance, had my last physical therapy session and slept a little. Didn't get as far as I'd wanted in blog-reading, and didn't do any job searching, but I did get a call for an interview from a place that sounds wonderful. Unfortunately, I was about a second too late in picking up the cell phone, so we're playing "phone tag" at this point. It bodes well that I'm still getting calls during the holiday season! Speaking of which, I should start putting up the links I've saved to silly products. Remember Sky Maul from last year? I first saw it via Lis Riba, then it got BoingBoinged and everyone was linking to it...