Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Silly Site o' the Day

Well, the left foot is still hurting, but at least I can put weight on it now. Yesterday I decided to experiment a bit with the ice pack, putting it on the calf muscle in the back, which subsequently cramped up very, very painfully for about a minute and a half -- I swear it felt like it was going concave -- before finally loosening and allowing me to walk on two legs again. I blame, among other things, a strategically-placed bug bite which seemed to hit the muscle in exactly the wrong place. I look forward to tomorrow's PT session, I'm getting very tired of enforced inactivity. On the other hand, the leaves have only just started turning, so it's not like I've missed any brilliant foliage so far. Oh yes, I have the autumnal immobility non-foliage blues, and therefore I need a blues name, which, according to the Capital Gold site of blues legends (via Gerard), is "Hound Dog" Flora Williamson.