Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Friday, October 05, 2007

Silly Site o' the Day

Took a rare sick day today, as this icky-female-stuff situation kept me close to the bathroom (when I haven't been doubled over from cramps) and more or less exhausted. At least I was able to do some basic straightening up -- or, as Robin and I are now calling it, streamlining. Out with the old -- a decade-old laser printer we barely use, my two wobbly filing cabinets that I've had since Steve assembled them back in Bensonhurst -- and in with the rearranging, as I inherit Robin's old 4-drawer filing cabinet which never quite served its intended use as storage, and my desktop acquires a dedicated printer and scanner and the networked stuff all moves to the studio. Photos when it's all done, which we're hoping will be by year's end. We've napped for a few hours this afternoon, and I think I'm finally in good enough shape to take care of a few outside errands before returning home to collapse and get ready to go to Mom's tomorrow. Alas, here's another video she won't be able to see in the Land of Dial-Up, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy it:

This bit of Japanese Mummenschanz is via Christopher at After School Snack.