Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Silly Site o' the Day

So the place where I interviewed this morning is fascinating, a real company with a real corporate structure and thousands of employees which is heavenly to someone like me, and I'd love to work there and think I would fit right in and be an asset to the corporation but of course in the end it's not up to me.

Then I went home to change and suddenly discovered that that, surprise surprise, a few weeks way from it being official, turns out I'm not menopausal after all. Even my body seems to be reacting to my current situation by reverting; maybe it has something to do with the giant stress burden lifted from me last week. I'm even beginning to let go of the names and numbers I've had to retain for this job and dusting off that hard drive in my head that I thought was lost, the one with all the details and memories of my life rather than someone else's. And so this week's ComicMix column (you have been visiting ComicMix, haven't you? we're all spiffy and new with FREE COMICS now!) is about one set of those memories, summer camp. I wish I had a tetherball court, but I'd settle for just being back in touch with any of "my girls." At least I've found my brain's internal hard drive again!

And now, some visual acoustics for your enjoyment (via Susie).