Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Silly Site o' the Day

Once again the morning got away from me, at least as far as blog activity. My weekly ComicMix column is up, of course, but otherwise it's been fairly steady job stuff, whether for this job (as a coworker is on vaca for the next few weeks) or searching for another one. But I'm feeling good about things. The foliage is finally starting to turn, the rain has been pretty light, I got a good parking lot space so I've left the walking stick in the trunk, our AC unit seems to have kicked in again thanks to our resourceful custodian so I'm no longer schvitzing, and best of all I have another interview set up for tomorrow afternoon. They seem to like my online cred (if you're reading this, potential employer, Hello and thank you for the opportunity!), which is great because I'm proud of my strong computer skills both online and offline. Speaking of which, Robin has got his Cintiq working again so it's finally interfacing with the iMac, and his setup looks beautiful. We're probably getting him a new desk at Ikea this weekend if I can manage the walking (I know I can do the driving, which should be gorgeous), and as soon as I get a new job I'm probably ditching the old PC for good and going strictly Macbook-with-PC-emulator, but we'll have to see what the job requirements are first. I'm keeping all options open at this point! Hope lunch gets here soon; I'm hungry. Too bad I can't eat this:

I'm definitely in a chocolate-craving mood today. The GlassGiant chocolate bar message generator is, as usual, via Gerard.