Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Cheering Laura Up

I know clinical depression isn't something you can just wave away with a kind word or two, but I also know that Laura Gjovaag has been an invaluable friend to me for a long time, whether helping with Pen-Elayne template coding or comforting me after Leah's death or supporting me at ComicMix and just about everything in between, and I want to see her smiling again after her run of really rotten vehicular luck. I have often stated my opposition to bloggers asking readers to pay for their hobby, and that my exception to this stance is bloggers who aren't monetarily well off and don't normally ask but find themselves in need of a little temporary assistance with life expenses. Laura falls squarely into that category, plus she's my buddy. Please consider helping her over this little bump in her road. Thanks.