Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Silly Site o' the Day

Noontime already? And here I was going to do a blogaround and everything; it's alarming how many posts I have bookmarked. Guess the rain is just making me sleepy and I'm falling behind. Need some pep pills. Pep Pills, Pep Pills, Yaaaaaaay PEP PILLS! (Sorry, slipped into Firesign mode for a moment.) Jim A has created a fine ol' Random Drug Generator for your amusement. My randomizer came up with:

Your drug name: Maxiprex

For treatment of: tired calves

Side effects may include:
* tooth clot
* loss of legs
* brain rot

I'm still seeking the cure for the common pharmaceutical ad...