Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Silly Site o' the Day

I still don't feel quite like I'm on vaca, mostly because I keep giving myself things I need to do -- take the car in for its annual inspection, go fruit and veg shopping when Robin wakes up again (he was up from 3 to 7:30 AM), call the physical therapy place and start scheduling sessions, call Doc Tech about getting together Thursday or Friday, scour Google Reader to try and get back into ComicMix posting -- and it all feels too much like work. I need to do nothing but consume all the stuff I already have around me and feel a sense of accomplishment having done so, by which measure yesterday was a pretty good day, as I finished DCU reading (putting me about a month behind most others in the comics blogosphere as the DC comp boxes usually feature stuff already available for purchase), watched loads of DVR'ed shows, ordered the last four weeks' worth of comics from Midtown, and caught up on my Bloglines blog reads. Not only that, but "Astor attacks Kayle. Alexis vows to never again kiss Carswell in the examination room. Jack decides to promote Overton." At least that's what it says in the Soap Opera Plot Generator. Guess those people don't rest much either.