Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Silly Site o' the Day

Ah well, best laid plans and all that. I'm pretty much resigned at this point to not doing any more ComicMix posts for awhile other than my weekly round-up and Wednesday columns; I'm far more burnt out than I thought, and this week has mostly consisted of various exhaustive collapses in between getting through my reading. I'm now only 2 months behind on Entertainment Weekly and I only have the Wildstorms to go (always quick reads, I only peruse about half that output) to finish the DC comp box. Whilst Robin naps away I'm catching up on blogs again. The car's passed its 2007 inspection, I'm seeing Jan (and, I hope, Doc Tech and Lili) tomorrow, laundry's Saturday -- goodness, what an exciting life! Could be weirder, I could be feuding with a bot. All the cool kids are talking about Chris Clarke's new BlogWarBot, so once again I'm waving to the cool kids.