Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Silly Site o' the Day

This morning's commute was not a heck of a lot of fun. I knew I was in for trouble when I heard the thunder approach around 7 AM. It took me almost two hours to get in (it's normally a half-hour commute). Lots of local roads are flooded and blocked off. Many of the feeder highways are closed. Just too much water in too short a time. Finally got in at about 10, then for the next couple hours did non-stop stuff for coworkers and especially my boss, who found a way to blame me for something else that was his doing. Le sigh. At least by this point the rain's stopped so presumably the drains will be able to catch up making the homeward-bound commute a bit easier.

My column at ComicMix is up; please comment there if you can, it means a lot to me to get comments on that site. And my posts from yesterday have finally shown up on my main site feed. I'm not so sure the Livejournal one (http://penelayne.livejournal.com/data/atom) even works any more. Livejournal is so screwed up anyway, I still can't see any of Julia's posts. But now Blogger's Atom feed appears to be slowing down as well. Maybe it's an Atom thing? Anyway, know that I pretty much post every day so, for future reference, if you don't see a feed show up for me just click over to my blog once a day and you'll be rewarded, such as it is, with new content.

Continuing the Harry Potter theme, Pointless Waste of Time presents Hide Your Potter! No, it's not what you think, it's actually a bit lewder. But quite funny. First saw it on Progressive Gold.