Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Silly Site o' the Day

If I correctly inserted the code into my template, my icon should now be showing up in browser windows and such (it's just a little picture of me I made using MyAvatar), but who knows? You may still be seeing the Blogger B. Oh well, at least my Google Reader feeds are working well with the LiveJournals to which I subscribe (Bloglines take note!), so I was able to read how Julia works right near that burst steampipe in Manhattan yesterday (she's okay, and even added "All I know is that five minutes later the streets were filled with perfectly calm people rubbernecking."). Ken Houghton was around there too, by the way, and got quoted in the NY Times. I only hope the next round of torrential rain holds up until after my doctor's appointment this afternoon. And speaking of games nobody wins, try a round of Bush Missile Defense, courtesy of Bob Geiger.