Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Silly Site o' the Day

Wow, bit of a nasty storm last night, and we're scheduled for more today. If it cools down like it's supposed to tomorrow I may take the walking stick and stroll with Robin down to the sushi place again, although I'm inclined to cheat and look for a parking spot halfway between our house and the restaurant, as that walk was still a bit much last week considering the sciatica. At least my antibiotic regimen is done and I can once more cut down to 2 to 3 16-ounce glasses of water a day rather than the 6 to 8 I've tried to do this past week. Gah, growing older can suck sometimes. Mostly it's the energy I miss, but that's probably job-related. The place where I interviewed last week sent me a very cordial rejection letter, and my boss is back in two weeks, so I'm once again stuck here through the summer.

If I can wake up enough today I'll finish my MoCCA 2007 con report for ComicMix; the photos area already uploaded and I've schlepped my notes and purchased items to the office with me, so we'll see. Oh, and my weekly column went up there yesterday; please go there and comment! It actually turned out to be my warm-up (along with John Ostrander's column today) for my contribution to the annual Blog Against Theocracy project next week. And speaking of John, the pages from the first issue of his Suicide Squad miniseries are looking terrific; Javi's work is still as nicely streamlined as ever, but the composition and storytelling have gotten even stronger than they were on Manhunter. Robin's having a great time inking those pencils.

Oh yeah, a Silly Site. Well, I'm in a dogma-mocking mood thanks to John, so how about the "Thank God I..." series? As Lindsay Robertson of the Comedy Central Insider says, "this site is a treasure trove of unintentional comedy... I mean, I get 'Thank God I Was Suicidal,' but 'Thank God I AM Suicidal' is a bit of a stretch..."