Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Silly Site o' the Day

Robin's finished work for the week and is mostly crashing today. My sciatica isn't too bad and I want to go to Ikea. We'll see who wins out this afternoon. Last night we watched a very funny show, which the Beeb first ran four years ago but which has apparently just made it to this side of the pond (at least on PBS, we're in the cable region that BBC America forgot), called Posh Nosh. It's screamingly funny. Here's a Wikipage about it. It was created by and co-stars Arabella Weir, who is precisely four days younger than me and precisely four years older than Robin. I'd never previously heard of her but I adore her already. Apparently she once played The Doctor! Was that the eighth-and-a-half incarnation or something? David Tennant even had a role in that piece. Anyway, Weir doesn't seem to have a website, but I'd love to be corrected if anyone knows of one.