Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Friday, June 08, 2007

Silly Site o' the Day

After almost half a year, Phase I of the Huge-Ass Project was completed this morning, and I started going through the 10,000+ entries to winnow out duplicates and make sure everything was checked off in the correct columns before beginning Phase I-and-a-half. Naturally there were tons of interruptions -- at one point I had to stop doing unpaid personal work for my boss' family so I could do more "important" unpaid personal work for his family -- so I only got through "H" by day's end. Now my coworkers are starting to complain about their tremendous backlog brought on by the fact that I can no longer do secretarial stuff for them, so that means yet another workload increase for me, and brings my posting time during the day to near-zero. Don't expect much more from me in the next month than daily Silly Sites here and my weekly column at ComicMix. I miss y'all too, believe me. I know I no longer have the head for even ordinary activity, but do y'all have the head for these difficult analytical puzzles (via Hanan)?