Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Silly Site o' the Day

Should I talk about how much I miss having the energy to blog here, now that my sidebar links have scrolled way the heck off the end of the template? Or mention all the posts I've saved to write about that I'll never get a chance to, like Betsy's wonderful reminiscence of the friendly town of Greensburg, or Becky talking about how her facility at premonitions has made her a more spiritual person, or how Melissa's rejoicing at Iain receiving his green card echoes my own memories of when Robin and I were finally through with the same years-long process (by the way, happy belated birthday, Melissa!) or Amanda's trip in the Wayback Machine? Or should I just talk about how May is getting away from me like just about every other month so far this year, and how I really ought to just calm down and admit that this constantly feeling I need to catch up on things isn't all happening despite my life, but that it's become my life?

Nah, screw it, I'll just post a Silly Site instead. After all, it's a lovely May day, my brother and I are converging at Mom's house today to celebrate Mother's Day, I may be heading off to my cousin's house tomorrow to celebrate family again, and starting on Monday I'm looking at two boss-in-Europe months. It's hard not to smile. Here's a Nietzsche Family Circus randomizer found by Gerard; have fun! Off to Mom's now.