Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Friday, May 18, 2007

Silly Site o' the Day

In his ComicMix column yesterday, John Ostrander referenced me referencing him, which I thought was pretty cool in an infinite-regression kinda way, but more importantly he pointed to a computer game which I thought would make a nice Silly Site, called Boomshine. Says John, "At each level, you can click only once and this creates an explosion – a boom, a circle of light. Boomshine. Any dot hitting that circle also becomes a circle of light and so on, often in a chain reaction fashion. You have a goal pre-set for you at each level of how many dots you must change, from one at level one to fifty-five at level twelve, before you can go on to the next level or complete the game...The motion and speed of the colored dots are random and the 'explosions' where they change to circles of light appear to affect this. It’s not really predictable and, outside of when and where you place your initial explosion, you have no control on what happens next. It just happens. Like life." Indeed. Naturally, Robin informed me this morning that, whilst I was having horrible dreams about strange corporate people taking over our building and me being demoted to a dingy windowless basement office the size of a child's bedroom, he was successfully completing a Boomshine game. Thank goodness that's over now and he can go back to Desktop Tower Defense!