Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Who's on First

A friend provided us with online access to Season 3 of Dr. Who, so to celebrate David Tennant's 36th birthday yesterday we watched the first three episodes. Just as Mary Sue-delicious as most episodes in the previous two seasons. I thought there was less of a sense of horrific danger in them, possibly because Martha is portrayed as a more competent and intelligent character than Rose (who was all adrenalin and emotion), but I don't watch the show for the danger factor anyway so this didn't bother me. I'd forgotten how much I'd missed the expository conversation, which of course was mandatory in terms of the Doctor bringing Martha up to speed. And there was a cute throwaway gag in, I think, the second episode where the Doctor recommended the final Harry Potter book, which he'd greatly enjoyed and which had brought him to tears. Considering Tennant's role in the Potter movie series I thought that was a nice wink. A very enjoyable evening, but of course it means I'm that much more behind in blog-reading. Will try to catch up and do a blogaround by day's end.