Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Monday, April 23, 2007

Shorn of the Dead

So after our mandatory visit to Social Security to get Dad's payments transferred to Mom (who didn't tear up at all like her daughter did looking at his birth and marriage and death certificates all laying there in a row), she directed me to the local walk-in haircutters for my $7 semi-annual shearing, which new 'do I may or may not share with y'all depending on whether I want Robin to take my photo when I get home. Sure made it easier to drive without those stray strands getting in my eyes! Lots of online "obligations" are starting to build up and will also receive attention upon my return to Bronkers. I did want to wish Robin a happy St. George's Day (thanks for the reminder, Bryan!), Cat a (belated?) happy birthday, as well as send shout-outs to Lisa Fortuner (will post that panel for you tomorrow, Ragnall) and Rachelle Gougoin on her 100th post (will also post my "favourite nerdy possession" for you tomorrow, Rachelle). Oh, and today's must-reads include Norman Lear on John Edwards' barber who happens to be his barber as well; and watching Atrios do all sorts of machinations in assuring the populist masses he's not an A-list insider political blogger like Kos.