Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Silly Site o' the Day

Datsa woke us at 4:30 by leaving some redolent "presents" in the library (which is where we keep the litter box), and I did a bit of blog reading and then went back to bed around 7 and just woke up, so I don't feel much like taking the car for its quarterly oil change (next Saturday should do fine for that). So I plan on catching up on the reading and writing thang, in anticipation of my boss' return and the debut of More About Which Later (not the website's actual name). Also, no pages have come in for Robin to work on this weekend so I'd rather cocoon with him for the next couple days than go running around anyway. If only I had my Believe in God Breath Spray (via PZ Myers), then I'd be all set. 'Cause you know that football fans on either side of the Superbowl rooting sections will be calling on the Big "G" to favor their team tomorrow. (After all, that sort of fervent fanaticism works so well in Italy.)