Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Maintenance Note and Workaround

I still have no complaints at all about my migration to New Coke Blogger. Well, a little one, but you know when you have a computer problem and then the IT guy comes in and all of a sudden everything is working fine? That's what happened with my edit window's search function; it functioned again not more than 10 seconds after I wrote to Blogger Support. So I was able to search by "Silly Site" and "Friday Cat Blogging" and all sorts of other things and now labels have been applied to all the FCBs and Silly Sites and LC blogarounds and suchlike going all the way back to when I started doing those types of posts. By the way, there were over 1000 Silly Sites to label, and I found a workaround to the edit window's only showing 50 posts at a time beyond the first 300 and reverting to the most recent posts only showing "&numPosts=50" every time after I checked off the label thing on, say, the oldest posts. What I did was copy the URL which had a page number at the end of it, pasted it back into my address bar and just changed the end number so it went to the next page. Made things go a lot more quickly! Next up, all the family-related and photo posts. I don't think I'll label every single post going back to when I started on 9/7/02, but at least the stuff I want to look for the most will all have labels. Yes yes, I get the irony of a fairly uncategorizable blog having labels. :) But it gives me something to do whilst the ComicMix "web-orcs" continue to work out their technical difficulties...