Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Silly Site o' the Day

Mold spores, baby, mold spores! (With apologies to the B52s.) Thanks to an inconvenient truth, today's temperature will hit above 70°F here in NYC, and the winter weather hasn't yet been cold enough to destroy mold spores, so if live around the northeastern US (or, you know, other areas affected by global climate change) and you're sneezing more often as Robin and I have been these past few weeks, now you know why. Take a prescription generator (via Gerard, who must have linked to it before it became password-protected) and call me in the morning. Oh, and don't have Indian food at the end of a sleep-deprived week; even though it tastes yummy and you may think it's comfort food, it's not if the indigestion will keep you up at night and then you won't be able to get back to sleep after the cats have been fed because your neighbor decides to run his sanding tool starting at 10 AM because, well, it's going to be 70°F here in NYC...