Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Friday, December 22, 2006

Silly Site o' the Day

Much of Colorado is under a couple feet of snow, Seattle's still recovering from last week's windstorm, New Orleans is deluged with rain again, freezing fog shuts down Heathrow... nope, no global climate change here! Glad all I have to contend with are a few expected showers and continued general weariness. Yesterday was taken up with Manhattan-based errands which I wasn't able to combine into two trips, so Robin wound up meeting me at the bus terminus a block away, taking packages from me and giving me the medical records I needed for my cardiologist appointment, and I crossed the street and hopped right back on the same bus going southbound toward the hospital. Spent about twice as long travelling back and forth as I did at my respective destinations, and doubtless picked up at least one or two exotic illnesses from the seething masses... but the long and the short of it is, I wasn't home long enough to do any proper blog-reading or writing.

And I had a good post planned about the holiday season, which I'm going to attempt to do later today but will be too late to make Mustang Bobby's LC roundup. Oh well, nothing to be done about it now. The post will probably also do another pointer to my Christmas Post Trinity, which I thought of whilst reading this post from Mark Evanier which discusses Mike Nelson's current venture, Rifftrax. Seems Nelson has continued riffing on (or, as many of us call it, MSTing) movies and TV shows and whatnot for a relative pittance. For instance, he and fellow MST3K alumnus Kevin Murphy riff on the movie Firewall for a $2.99 download, and in the spirit of the season he offers his commentary on Nestor the Long-Eared Christmas Donkey (which I made Rob sit through the other day when I felt I really needed a Rankin/Bass fix) for 99 cents. Mark Evanier says that QuickStop Entertainment (a very neat site indeed) has it for free but the link on their end is no longer working...